SBCC in Practice

Social and Behavioural Change Communications (SBCC)

Social and Behavioural Change Communications or SBCC is a planned theory based and evidence based process to facilitate social as well as behaviour change. It uses Socio-Ecological model to analyze the problem from multiple levels (personal, interpersonal, community and other enabling environment) in order to identify the root causes, influences and intervention points for changing knowledge, attitude, behaviour and social norm. SBCC framework follows a systematic process which starts by understanding the problems to designing and implementing a comprehensive set of reinforcing activities and interventions to bring about desirable change. Its approach is highly targeted and is strategically designed to ensure that the target audience receives the right message at right time from trustable sources. It operates on three key strategies which include:

Behavior Change Decision Tree


Key Strategy #1

Mobilization of resources and securing political will and commitment to create social and policy change

Social Mobilization

Key Strategy #2

Encourages wider participants and raises awareness among relevant stakeholders such as organizations, policy makers and local communities and empower people or groups to take actions in creating the environment that will enable desired change

Behaviour Change Communications

Key Strategy #3

Targeted communication strategies to change specific attitude and behaviour of a particular target audience

Changing Demands Webinar Series

Webinar -USAID Wildlife TRAPS Situation Analysis
View Webinar
Webinar -A rapid overview of Behaviour Change Theories
View Webinar