Expert Directory

Toby Park

Expert Directory

Mr Toby Park
Head of Energy & Sustainability
Behavioural Insights Team

Toby leads the energy & sustainability work at BIT. With a view to promoting sustainable behaviour, Toby provides government, NGO and private clients with evidence-based policy advice, thought-leadership in the science of pro-environmental behaviour-change, and expertise in the design and delivery of complex field and laboratory research. Drawing upon cognitive and social psychology, behavioural economics, nudge theory, and a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methods, his expertise lies in understanding the complexities of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour, and in designing and evaluating effective interventions to promote sustainable behaviour. His work spans energy and water conservation, low-carbon transport, sustainable food and resource consumption, waste and recycling, and wildlife conservation.

Language Proficiency: English. BIT colleagues speak 30+ languages.

Expertise: Applied Behavioral Theory, Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Science Research