
BE.Hive: Climate Change Needs Behavior Change

Mar 19, 2019
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An Interactive Summit Presented by Rare in collaboration with National Geographic Society. Register today for a one-day summit to explore global climate change through the lens of human behavior.
BE.Hive: Climate Change Needs Behavior Change

Over the last 30 years, climate change has emerged as the most pressing threat to our species and to life on our planet. Human behavior lies at the center of this issue, both as the problem and the solution. At the BE.Hive: Climate Change Needs Behavior Changesummit, you will learn about the latest academic insights from behavior science, get inspired by the world’s leading environmentalists, be ignited by artists, storytellers and explorers, and identify some of the greatest opportunities for shifting human behavior to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Whether you’re looking to change yourself, nudge your peers, or move society, please join a community of environmental changemakers, behavioral scientists, conservationists, designers and thought leaders at this this one-day summit at the dynamic intersection of behavior-centered design and climate change.

Register here.


Rare is a global leader in using behavior change to achieve long-lasting conservation results.
For over 40 years, they have empowered local leaders to inspire community pride in sustainable natural resource management so that people and nature thrive.

They find what works locally and bring it to scale globally—providing a blueprint for building a conservation ethic around the world.