
Principle of Persuasion

May 21, 2018 7:00 PM • ICT UTC +07:00
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Join the Changing Demands webinar on May 21, 2018 at 8 AM EST/1 PM GMT/7 PM ICT to talk about the insights from Principles of Persuasion Workshop. The workshop was developed and is based on the research of Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the New York Times bestseller, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It explores how to “ethically and effectively apply the Principles of Persuasion to move people to change, to act and to say “yes” to all types of requests”.

TRAFFIC in Viet Nam team members, Trinh Nguyen and Ha Nguyen will be sharing their reflections from the workshop and offer some thoughts on how the Principles of Persuasion can be applied to their current projects or used to reduce consumer demand for illegal wildlife products.

About the presenters:

Ms. Nguyen My Ha is a Social Behavior Change Communication Specialist at USAID Saving Species project, a five-year project implemented by Tetra Tech in partnership with TRAFFIC Vietnam and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Ha has 13 years of experience working with private and public sectors in brand management, private sector partnerships and communication on a range of issue such as HIV/AIDS prevention and breastfeeding promotion. Much of her work also involved leading qualitative and quantitative research studies, mass communication and the development of multiple BCC materials including training curriculum.

Ms. Trinh Nguyen is a Senior Program Officer at TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, where she works to reduce demand for endangered wildlife products through behaviour change. She leads a pioneering rhino horn demand reduction campaign in Viet Nam since 2014, applying social marketing for the first time to wildlife conservation. Trinh has a sound understanding of the Vietnamese business culture and government environment to plan, develop and negotiate activities that provide a win-win situation and have maximum impact on the behaviour of the illegal wildlife trade products target audiences.